Mediaset is testing a very risky and original strategy with the issuance of its great formats, as Secret Story and the latest temptation.
It pretends to start at 8 o’clock in the afternoon, which are interrupted during the time the news will last and that, then, continue until they finished.

In addition, it has added another unpublished variable: pass the programs, in full emission, of Telecinco to four.
I never seen?
Yes, I never seen.

For secret Story spectators and the latest temptation, therefore, monitoring these programs is being an odyssey, because they change their days and hours of emission while chain changing.

Last minute DESECRET STORY was issued on Mondays in Telecinco, at 8pm.
He stopped with the news, resumed with the debate of temptations and at 23h passed four so that Telecinco could issue a chapter of the El Pueblo series.

Today, October 4, Mediaset will change this complicated sequence with the aim of fighting for the audience against the advancement of the latest and flattering 3: in Telecinco, it will be available at 20 hsecret Story, which will stop during the informative
He will continue to emit until 23, when he will start the people.

Meanwhile, the debate of temptations will be issued at four, at 22.50, after the emission of First Dates Day.

Monday’s night is not easy for Mediaset, since it has two hard rivals: Masterchef Celebrity at the TVE 1 and the Turkish series innocentsque emits antenna 3.