Social movements, unions and left parties Fold again on Saturday the streets of Brazil in protest against the government of Jair Bolsonaro.
The traditional protests against the delay in the purchase of vaccines and the denialist management of the general pandemyan were added complaints for inflation, the price of gas and fuels and unemployment, growing problems in the houses of Brazilians.

In the March of Rio de Janeiro, who gathered tens of thousands of people in the center of the city, were heard shouts such as “life, bread, vaccine, education” and the already classic “outside Bolsonaro genocida”.
At the head of the protest, the artist Mayra Rodrigues and her friends wavered Brazil flags torn.
“They are a symbol of the destruction that happened over us (…) to make evident the dramatic situation that our country lives, which was always known for joy and is now known for hatred, it was always known for beauty
Natural and now it is known by fires. We do not stand that. We want to show the world that intolerance with what is happening, “he said to this diary.

The protests took place peacefully and had a broad representation of left parties, especially of the workers’ party (PT), the training of former President Lula da Silva, favorite in all surveys facing the elections that will take place
Just from here to a year.
According to a powerful survey reported this week, if the elections were now celebrated Lula would win with 40% of the votes, compared to 30 percent that the current president would have.

Formally, the objective of the demonstrations is to ask for the impeachment of Bolsonaro, but that possibility is far from being on the table (in spite of all the president still has some support at the National Congress) and no one escapes that Brazil entered fully
In the electoral campaign climate.
The opposition parties do not really succeed an impeachment at this time, but let Bolsonaro be dehydrated little by October until October 2022.

Lula was not in the demonstrations, following firm in his strategy of preserved so as not to be charged by his political rivals to campaign ahead of time.
Who did did an appearance was Ciro Gomes, the Labor PDT.
Gomes wants to be the alternative to Lula-Bolsonaro polarization from the left center, even though in opinion polls he appears at a great distance from the two.

The demonstrations of this Saturday are the fifths that the left calls from the month of May, and the first from the multitudinous floppy gears that Bolsonaro starred on September 7.
Shortly after that demonstration of strength, on September 12, there were other protests against the Government convened by conservative sectors, but that were a failure of assistance, which evidences the polarization that the country and the difficulties of the right to consolidate a
Competitive alternative against Bolsonaro.