Pablo Marriedo has hammered Pedro Sánchez with three very specific questions about the Ghali case, the economic forecasts or the detention of Carles Puigdemont, but the president of the Government has avoided any of them to leave for the branches with other matters.

Moreover, in a turn of his face to face in Congress, he has been the president of the Government who has dedicated himself to controlling married entering that “game of yes or no” to interrogate him for his pension policy

After the parentheses of last week, married has opted this time by focusing on his speech with very determined questions to Sánchez to see if he started some response in burning matters.
Has it been three: “Are you the x of the Ghali case and has ordered that you allow an individual in search and capture by genocide, terrorism and rape?”;
“Was you missing the economic forecasts of the INE to square hammering the budget with we can?”;
“Will you fulfill your promise to bring Spain to Puigdemont?”

Married has asked him “respect” and has urged him to “answer”, but Sánchez has not even alluded to superficially any of the three issues in his turn.
He has chosen to warn that citizens are “until the crown” of the “anger”, the “insults” and the “screams” that the opposition professes in Congress.
And then he has derived himself the answer of him to the question that officially consists of the agenda, about whether he has a project for Spain.

Thus, Sánchez has presumed to make “useful policy” and its management in the pandemic against a PP to which it has reproached that it does not help their country and that “fails” the Constitution for not agreeing with the PSOE the renewal of organs as
“They accept that they are in a minority and abandon constitutional insumpese,” he has demanded him.

It has been then when Married has returned to the burden with the same questions and has reproached Sánchez that “does not answer anything” as if it were “above good and evil”.
And then he has finished with a classic in his control sessions: Ask for the progress of the government and step for the PP.
“If you are not willing to defend Spain from criminals and the economic crisis that you have worsened, go and leave others to do so.”

Far from entering the debate or in the questions asked, Sánchez has taken the issue of pensions to reproach married that is defending the “counterare” of 2013, so it has been he who has thrown himself to question and ask for accounts at
Leader of the opposition about whether it is in favor of revaling these benefits depending on the CPI or if it will validate the agreement with the social agents.
“That’s what you have to answer because it is what the Spaniards deserve,” he has auctioned.

The control session has served for Junts, the Puigdemont party, aerara in the courts the theory of conspiracy on the arrest of President Catalan.
The Míriam Nogueras deputy has presented it as a maneuver of the “deep state” and of the “judicial and police institutions that abandinate fascism”, which are those that in his opinion decide “what happens and how” and not the government.

He has defined that what has happened in recent days with Puigdemont has been a “putiferium”.
“What is the most progressive government doing in front of this coup d’étado?” He asked, to answer: “surrendering to that fascist power and collaborate with him when he agreed.”

Sánchez, visibly stupefied, has mocked the conspiracy casting an anecdote that arises from his hobby and interest in the NBA.
He has to do with the rejection of opposite players to vaccinate.
“There is a star that says you do not want to be vaccinated because there is a conspiracy behind it to vaccinate blacks and connect them with a computer that has a satanic plan,” he explained to him.
“I say it with all respect and love, nor do you think what you are saying here today”.

It is given the circumstance that not only nogueras defends that theory.
One of those who bought it and disseminated is Pablo Iglesias, former vice president of the Government, which last Monday exposed it during a gathering in RAC1.
That dark maneuver in which he would be behind “some judges that everyone knows” and “sectors of the police dome” would be aimed to make the government cause the Government dynamiting the dialogue table and resulting ERC’s support in Congress.

Beyond this episode, what made the question of naggers clear to Sánchez is that Junts insists on delegitimizing the dialogue table and in saying that it is a “smoke curtain”.
“With you we can not negotiate anything because you do not send and do not decide,” said Junts’ spokeswoman.

The leader of citizens, arranged, who has drawn the issue of education and the problems of families to deal with all expenses and reconciliation, has reproached Sánchez to ignore the most relevant issues to dedicate themselves to content to matches such as
ERC or EH Bildu.

“In Spain we will not advance in education or anywhere otherwise, these tricks are abandoned with the separatists and the status issues with state parties are not addressed.”

In this sense, he has alluded to the pacts that are possible in Germany warning that last year he already had “the hand stretched out of the Spanish liberals” but, he has recriminated, “he took” ERC and Eh Bildu.

Sánchez has responded by casting a “sarcasm”: “I have always felt the hand lying on Spanish liberals.”