The United Kingdom PSEE and PSOE on pensions and the reform prepared by Scrivá for next November 15 generate tension in the Government.
“It is evident that some of the reactions of the last days have manifested itself without knowing what he had said, it is evident,” the Minister of Social Security has regretted.

José Luis Escrivá has responded as long as, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers who has approved the Rise of the SMI and the Fifth Extension of the ERTE, he has been asked if he felt unauthorized by members of his Government in the controversial
He followed his statements about the cultural deficiencies of the Spanish pension system.
His opinion that Spain requires a cultural change to be able to work more between 55 and 74 years was responded harshly by his colleague, Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who from some days in Santander asked him to be “prudent and cautious” when talking about
A matter as sensitive as pensions, precisely the competition of Escrivá.

The Social Security Minister has been comeded in the act after the Council of Ministers although he has been asked several times for the reprimand of Diaz.
But if the tone of him has been moderate, the message has been more direct: Díaz spoke without knowing what he had really said.

“We do not consider changing the retirement age. I have the impression that very few have read the interview,” he said in reference to the statements on which Diaz came out of step.
“Surely we have to be all more cautious,” she has concluded, using the same terms from the Vice President.

Diaz, on the other hand, he has preferred to divert the focus towards the scope of the coalition government and its pacts.
“The Minister has been clear, next Thursday – in the vote in the Congress of the Reform that suppresses the sustainability factor and replaces it by the revaluation of pensions with the IPC – we will be fulfilling the Government Agreement with the repeal of the
Law of 2012. The Government of Spain is fulfilling: Let us be cautious in everything we do and say, I am left with the session next Thursday, “he said.

The tone of both members of the Government has dististed from those who celebrate the agreement reached yesterday with the social agents to extend the erte for the fifth time.
This time, the validity of the scheme will be extended for five months, until February 28, 2022 and will put an accent on fostering the training of workers who are in this work situation that is not activity but it is not unemployed either.

After arriving last weekend at a point where both employers and unions gave for granted that, due to the demands of Minister Escrivá, the government’s proposal would not be supported, Social Security opened his hand and offered higher exemptions to the
Companies that make training while work extended the so-called accountant to zero, that is, the shielding of unemployment collection rights for workers affected by ERTE.

In this way, the government has the guarantee of the social agents for which it will be quite likely, the last extension of some schemes that since its launch in March 2020 will be extended for two years having covered up to 3.5 million
Workers with a cost higher than the 40,000 million euros.

The Vice President Diaz also celebrated that the Government agreed yesterday to increase the SMI by 1.6%, a decision he has advocated since December of last year and that it has cost him constant shocks with the Head of Economic Affairs of the Government, Nadia Calviño
“We left the crisis going up the salaries,” she summarizes her.
The SMI rise in 2021 does not have the support of entrepreneurs and, within two months.
Within two months, Díaz should inform them again about the rise that it proposes for 2022.