Yolanda Diaz has made the wink more evident until the date he will lead us or a similar project in the upcoming general elections. “I’m going to raise a project in favor of you, a project that is already underway, which is here, which is in all corners of our country … Are you waiting for us,” he proclaimed. The second vice president and minister of work It is still relied on to say the magical words that he will be a candidate, as Paul Iglesias bet on an explicit manner when he handed him the witness of the United Leadership we can in the government, but this Sunday has taken a very relevant step to dispel doubts about his silence In this topic, by initiating his project. “The project begins, in dialogue with all,” he has announced in an intervention at the Centennial Festival of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). A political environment that has said felt in his “house” because, he has incidated, “It is my culture, you are part of me” .Diaz, who has been talking about the relevance of widening and adding all forces from left under the same umbrella, it has thus defined the characteristics of the plan that has in the head: “It is a project that has to make love the center of action, a project in favor and that corner hate, a project in which We need every hands, all hearts and all minds. ”

It is a call to expand alliances and a message with which to try to build bridges with Íñigo errejón, although sources of more country cool any option to meet, as the world published on Tuesday: “We have a path.”

The great flags of your project are the rise in the minimum wage, the repeal of labor reform, the end of austerity and the upload of taxes to the high classes.

As she has described, the goal of her project is to place the “dignity” in the foreground so that the future “does not pass” for low salaries or “shit works” because there are no other alternatives.
That is why Diaz makes the climb of the minimum wage one of her great pillars.

His other great commitment: The repeal of the labor reform of the PP despite the resistance within the Government to limit it to only a few aspects (the most tasty “) and of the European institutions, who have put their conditions and duties for delivery
of European funds.

“Believe me, we’re going to repeal the labor reform,” he said in a scenario in which UGT’s union leaders, Pepe Álvarez, and CCOO, were also there.
“I am clear, we are going to do it and if we do not, the country will be wrong, the government and Spain”.

The work minister has promised determination despite the fact that it predicts that it will suffer “runlings” to achieve it.
She has said that united we can be in the government “for this” and that she “would not make sense that she was a minister of work” if she could not change the labor market.

He has also advocated to raise taxes on the richest, who have to “contribute more”, and have alerted that the European Union can not return to the tax rules when the crisis ends.
“The time of black men is over, the time of structural reforms against peoples and the social majority is over. It is essential to save people.”