At least three people have died and a number still without determining travelers has been injured by derailing a train on Saturday in the US state of Montana, as the AMTRAK railway operator reported.

Approximately, 141 passengers and 16 crew members were on board when they derailed eight wagons around 4:00 pm (local time) in the north of the state of Montana.

“We deeply saddened the information that local authorities are now confirming that three people lost their lives as a result of this accident,” said the company.

The three deaths have been confirmed by the local police department, as reported by the ‘ABC’ chain.

The Coordinator of the Disaster Service and Emergencies of Montana, Amanda Frickel, said the newspaper ‘New York Times’ that “more than 50 people are injured”.

In addition, he added that rescuer teams attended the place and that several medical hospitals and helicopters were ready to provide care.

There are still not the reasons that caused the accident, so the National Transport and Security Board has said on Twitter that it has opened an investigation.

Amtrak indicated that he activated his incident response team and sent emergency personnel to the site to support authorities in the evacuation of injuries.

The train derailed in a remote area near Joplin, Montana, a populated in 200 inhabitants near the border with Canada.