The first great social feast in Seville since the pandemic began gathered endless faces of all areas.
It was the appointment that each year organizes the magazine showcase, by the hand of its founder and director, Mario Fogo del Toro, and that on this occasion it reached the XV edition of its well-known prizes.

The appointment was in the house of Pilate, the same place that fifteen years ago welcomed the first edition of these prizes that began strong, since on that occasion the godmother of honor was the Duchess of Alba.
This time, the witness picked up the countess of the assault.

To begin the act, led by Michi Primo de Rivera Oriol, the delivery of the most emotional prizes.

In a posthumous title, Carlos was awarded Falcó de Griñón, died from the Covid-19 in March 2020. He picked up his daughter Xandra Falcó Girod Marquesa de Mirabel and president of the Fortuny Circle, happening to his father in office.

Xandra, who enjoyed the party with her great friend Mayda Ybarra Valdenebro, picked up the Anne Zapata Hand Prize, from the own family of the Cartuja Sevilla since 2016. Falcó wanted to remember the affection that Sevilla felt his father, since
The coincidences made the Marquis of Griñón born at the Palace of the Dueñas in 1937, in the middle of a civil war.

Also on a posthumous, the Countess Beatriz von Hardenbergy Princess Zu Fürstemberg received award.
In the name of her, her daughter Olivia de Borbón picked up the prize.
She attended next to her husband, Julián Porras.
Olivia looked at high-heeled sandals despite suffering a pain on a foot that made her need her husband’s arm.
The award was given María Jiménez, a great friend of the family.

The figure of José Luis García-Palacios, who was president of Caja del Sur, represented by his widow, Pilar Álvarez, and Isabel Cobo Romero, deceased three months ago.
The sister of her Carmen of her was affected but whole, and she could not help getting excited when picking up the prize.

There were Dresscode: they, long with inspiration April of April;
They, with tuxedo.

During the appetitive based on Sierra de Seville ham, a horse danced at the entrance of the palace managed by one of the brothers of the door,.

After the hymn of Spain, played at the piano by Joaquín Couple-Obregón, the other prizes were delivered to Andrés Roca Rey (he said he was immediate because the next day he went into Master);
Juan Pedro Domecq, Estrella Morente, Ana Duato, Josie, Antonia García San Juan, Jaime Álvarez (Mans Concept), Lorenzo Castillo, Marisa brother-in-law of Azcárate, Sandra García Sanjuán (founder of Starlite), María José Muñoz (the QUECO DE PEPA)
, Cervante Remedies, Marina Heredia and the Doctors Serkan Aygin and Marifé Prieto.

Next to them, Anselma Jiménez was also awarded, well known for the premises that he did well enough in the Triana neighborhood.
For the part of it, Lourdes Montes (dressed by Elisabetta Franci) received the donation destined to the Alalá Foundation, which runs Blanca Parejo who came accompanying Lourdes, and without the husband of Montes, Francis Rivera.

But among the attendees there was much famous more.
Fashion went agatha Ruiz de la Prada with that of her son of her Tristan Ramírez and with the painter Sevillian Chema Rodríguez, a great friend of the family;
Palomo Spain ;, Felipe Vivas (Tolentino);
Christ Báñez;
Rosa Tous and Jorge Outerelo, and Victorio & Luccino.
The latter commented how well things are going, since in this time of pandemic they have managed to increase their sales up to 40% with new lines and with the great sales of their perfumes.

Did not miss Paloma Segrelles (mother and daughter), Pedro Trapote and Begoña García Vaquero, Fiona Ferrer (dressed by Fernando Claro), Marina Heredia and Pedro Chicote, Mohedano Chayo and Andrés Fernández, Toñi Moreno, Norma Duval and Matthias Kühn, Manu Tenorio and
Silvia Casas, Víctor Puerto and Noelia Margoton (Dressed by Angeles Summer), Óscar Higares and Sandra Álvarez, Jaime Peñafiel and Carmen Alonso, Rachel Revuelta and his daughter Claudia, Estefanía Luyk, Arancha de Benito, Ivonne Reyes, Marisa Jara, Carmen Lomana,
Antonia Dell’atte and Enrique Solís and Alejandra Domínguez, Paco Cepero, Nano de Jerez, Loli Rincon and Fernando Mayo (Restaurant Manolo Mayo) …

He also attended Cristina Forner, president of Marqués de Cáceres wineries, who always collaborates with events in Seville, such as Simof.
A brand to which Wine Intelligence 2021 has called the most powerful brand of La Rioja, and that has just launched ‘the breeding chapel’, one of the broths that could be tasting at dinner.

Between award and prize, acting happened, and they were high.
Farruquito and Arcángel, Laura Gallego (Interpreted as Seville, de Rocío Jurado), Davinia Jaén and Antonio Cortés, who returned to sing themes of his father, Chiquette.

The dinner was served by the catering alfar2, and consisted of cold cream of roasted tomatoes with Idiazábal cheese ice cream;
Ventresque tuna and torrija with sevillian cream ice cream.

After dinner, served in the main courtyard, many abandoned pilates, and many others went to the stables of the palace, a closed space where the free bar took place and by the performance of the DJ Carmen the peppermint.

While others, they made Correzzo and sounded Flamenco live.
In the same patio they joined the Morente Star, Archangel, Farruquito and the rest of their companions.

All a luxury in an event in which the almost 400 guests enjoyed as it was done before a pandemic that it seemed not to exist for most of them, in sight of so much kiss and hug, probably for the joy of reunion.