What would initially be a participation in an inaugural act ended up becoming a whole bathroom of crowds.
The former president of the Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont, held this Saturday in Alghero, together with hundreds of people without charges or limitations after being detained on Thursday night on his arrival in Italian lands, and took advantage of “amplification”
Given by the State to challenge Spanish justice again: “We will continue to fight, I will continue traveling through Europe.”

The former president of the Generalitat reappeared in the city of Algherum, a few kilometers from Sassari, where he was less than a prisoner, to participate, as planned, at the Folkloric Festival Catalan Appel International.
There, he surrounded himself first from the president of Sardinia, Christian Solinainas, and the mayor of Alguer, Mario I met, and after the President of the Government Catalan, Pere Aragonès, Vice President Jordi Puignera – his trusted man in the current autonomous executive – and for
Other outstanding leaders of Independentism, such as President of Parliament, Laura Borràs, or who was the leader of ANC, Jordi Sànchez, condemned in the trial of 1-o.
Everyone accompanied Puigdemont and celebrated what, in the eyes of independentism, is seen as a new triumph.

A victory that occurred after the Sassari Court of Appeal, when deciding whether it applied precautionary measures, left freeless without charges to which he was leader of the Catalan Executive after his defense took advantage of a mistake of law
From the state when, in July, he assumed that the Euroorden was suspended.
Now, and thanks to this detail, Puigdemont has total freedom of movement.
On October 4 he must appear before the Sassari Tribunal, on this occasion so that the Court decides whether he must proceed to the delivery of him to Spain.

“Italian justice has taken a few hours to make a decision that Spain has been without taking years,” said Puigdemont about an episode, the lived in recent days, which values that has reinforced his thesis.
“Our legal posture has been determined,” held, on the Spanish postulates, “contrary to European democracy we want”, and who have already ratified three founding countries of the European Union (Belgium, Germany and, now, Italy),
As Jordi Puigneró said.

Will this crisis affect the newly initiated table of dialogue between State and Generalitat?
President Aragonès avoided answering shortly before the Puigdemont press conference this question, although he stressed that “now more than ever” is a reason to claim “amnesty and self-determination”.

However, Carles Puigdemont took advantage of his speech to denounce that “it seems that the government only wants to dialogue with those who give parliamentary support”, in relation to the need that the coalition executive has about ERC to achieve important support in Congress,
As for example, the approval of the general budgets of the State.

There was no criticism of Puigdemont at the table: “One thing is dialogue and other negotiation,” he said.
“I see dialogue but little negotiation,” he reproached him, mainly because there is an important part of independence that has not been “convened” to this meeting.

Former President Fuido launched a warning about the scope of that table: “You can not negotiate without us as shown in the last 24 hours.”

Puigdemont ended up emphasizing that the problem of these meetings comes from the Executive Delegation, and accused Pedro Sánchez of living in a “ring of red lines” and not attending to the actual demands of separatism.