The progressive slowdown that is being given in these last weeks of the immunization process is also noticed in the reserves of vaccines of the autonomies, which rather than diminish, in some cases even increases.
Thus, it is given the situation that currently, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, there are about six million doses in the refrigerators of the vacuum centers.

Depending on the region, the unused vaccine figures can vary a lot, up to more than one million.
These move between zero, in the case of the Xunta de Galicia – the one who does not have left – and more than 1,200,000, in the case of Madrid – the most dose accumulates.
These data are related to the percentage of doses that they have used on those they have received.
In this way it is understood that Galicia does not have a single vaccine, since he has made use of 100% of those that have been delivered to him.

However, at the Madrid Conjuncture, to explain why so many saved vaccines, it is necessary to mention that even though it has only employed 88.8% of the vaccines that have been given to it, the fact that
It is the third autonomous community that has received, after Andalusia, which has been the one that has most perceived in accordance with its population, and from Catalonia.

Specifically, the average use of vaccines received is 91%, with which the Community of Madrid would be below, as canary;
And above the average they would find regions such as the Forum Community of Navarra and Aragon.
In this way, within the different autonomies of Spain, the Balearic Islands are the least vaccines have injected into relation to those obtained in that territory, and if we also take into account the autonomous cities, we must highlight the city of Melilla, A
The one that has almost 30% of the doses welcomes.

At the antagonistic point is Galicia, which has consumed more dose of those that have been delivered to him.
On the other hand, there is the virtually anecdotal case, since it is the only place where it has happened, from Catalonia, where some vials have been expired, specifically 9103.

The rest of the communities consulted by this newspaper has not referred this problem.
Carmen Cabezas, the Secretary of Public Health of the Community, assured at a press conference on the vaccination process that the situation will not happen again and that this has been due to a ruling of the predictive model, since they believed that in September I was going
To go to immunize more people from which he is finally going.

Likewise, heads stressed that these vials, who have a life of around 30 days once defrosted, only represent 0.6% of the total received in the region, and 0.07% of those acquired by Spain in
Its total
“We have 400 vaccine centers, which means that less than 20 vials have been expired by center,” said the Secretary of Public Health during the appearance.

Even so, these vaccines have not been discarded, since they are saved waiting for the results of stability studies carried out by the laboratory itself to see if they could finally be used despite the expired date.
Consulted the rest of the autonomous communities, they confirm that they have no perseverance that no batch has been expired, since they control the expiration dates and proceed very carefully, “Vaccines are administered so that those that have arrived more
Time are put in the first place, and the newer ones are leaving up.
In this way, it is avoided that it is difficult, “explain from the Press Cabinet of the Basque Country Health Department.

In addition, the different regions do not provide that the situation that some vaccine lots are circumvented will be given in the near future, since even some institutions such as the Government of Cantabria or the Board of Castilla y León have already begun to inoculate during these
Latest days The third reinforcement dose in elderly residences.