The influential Sister of the North Korean leader Kim Jong he urged South Korea to leave his “hostile policies” against Pyongyang before proposing an official end to the war of 70 years between the two countries.

The conflict, exploded in 1950 in that Asian peninsula, ended in 1953 with a truce, but there was never a peace agreement, with which both sides lead technically at war since then.

In a speech before the UN General Assembly this week, South Korean President Moon Jae-In proposed a statement that put an official end to the conflict, ensuring that this would foster “irreversible progress in denuclearization and would guide a time of peace complete

In statements collected by the official KCNA agency, the sister and adviser of Kim Jong Un, Kim I Jong, said that proposing a formal peace was an “admirable idea”, but urged the south to abandon his hostile attitude in the first place.

Making these statements with “double measuring, prejudices and hostile policies” still in force “does not make any sense,” Kim Yo Jong said, who was open to improve relations with Seoul if they changed attitude.

The crossover crossing occurs in a recruceration of tension in the Korean Peninsula .Pyongyang conducted two ballistic trials this month and the Seoul announced the successful launch of ballistic missiles from an underwater as part of the development of their defensive capabilities