September should be a good month for Ainhoa Arteta.
Not only is it the month of her birthday, it is also the time when you begin to take up the shows after the holiday paron.
However, that of this 2021 could not be more bitter.
The singer enters the 57 years of her living a whole tragedy, who has had as main protagonists to health problems and conjugal problems.

Regarding the first, it seems that it is already recovering.
Arteta suffered a nephritic colic that derived in sepsis and caused the amputation of two phalanges, from one hand and a foot.
The rumors about the delicate state of health did not take long to loop, he even spoke of infarction.
However, her friend Ana Rosa Quintana went out to the Palestra to deny this last and explain that, although she was “very serious,” she was already recovered and that she carries the consequences of the disease “even with humor”.

In fact, this week the Instagram ‘instagram account, Emiliano Suárez, spread an image of the happy and happy soprano at a dinner at some friends of Madrid.
She Ainhoa would have left the family farm of Vizcaya, where she had been held during the last weeks with her father and her children.

While he is recovering from the Varapalo to his health, it seems that he has to be preparing for a hard war, specifically against his ex-husband, Matías Urrua.
This September the news of the separation of it jumped.
The couple contracted two years ago and nothing seemed to indicate that they had problems.
This facing the gallery, of course.
As explained sources close to the couple at Loc, the entrepreneur would be tired of the strong and divalent character of the singer.
“It did not treat him well before all of us at parties and meetings, ‘bring me this, bring me, look how I have it’ … she went from Diva, a crazy thing,” explained.

They also talked about strong couple discussions, in which he has had to take the suitcases and leave the house of the moorage that had rented.
In fact, when the news was known, the same sources confessed that he had already abandoned the residence and had taken another floor in Madrid to live with his son (from the first marriage of him).

Rumors about money and debt problems Among them have also feared, although the most disturbing thing is, perhaps, what remains to come.
Another testimony close to the couple spoke with LOC to point out the delicate situation in which Urua is located at this time.
“Matías knows who he faces, for people who could be right now near the artist, he is worried about his own future.”
This stables, in addition, with information that published 20 minutes and that he reported that there could be “an audiovisual material of the High Voltage that could give a brutal, sad and ruthless turn to the situation.”

With this separation, Arteta puts an end to his fourth marriage, which seems to be his most tragic act.
The first marriage of her was she at age 24, with a boyfriend of youth that she had to say goodbye to take off professionally.
Later, she met Dwyane Croft, a profession partner, since he was baritone.
She with him she had her first daughter, Sarah (21).
This break was quite traumatic for the singer, who even came to cancel some concerts by the decayed state of mind.
The last couple of her before Urrua was Jesus Garmendia, a rider with whom she had to her second son.

For all his dramas, his work was always his great refuge.
Music always had comfort for bad situations.
Thanks to her managed to get ahead of a tragic situation that he lived with 25 years, when she suffered a rape that almost costs her life.
The singer made the story of her in the TVE program the other look, with the intention of women who had gone through the same traumatic experience did not feel alone.
According to her she confessed, she itself took 10 years to be able to tell someone.