The police of the Group of Narcotics of Mérida who were arrested last week within Operation Fish against drug trafficking will denounce that they were treated in a “humiliating and humiliating” way by the unity of internal affairs.
The agents complain that they remained handcuffed for more than six hours each of them in police cars at the doors of the Mérida Palace of Justice before being placed in court when in these dependencies there are individual cells where they could be housed.
“They are not terrorists and were treated as such,” Roberto Lorenzo, lawyer of one of the police officers.

Specifically, it refers to the transfer that was made from the Almendralejo police station, where they were arrested last Wednesday, the Palace of Justice of Mérida, where they were quoted to go to court, first on Thursday night and then
On Friday morning, by delaying the statements of other detainees.
The lawyer explains that internal affairs retained each in police cars for more than six hours in total before accessing judicial dependencies, where they were welcomed their right not to declare.
During all that time, they were immobilized in police cars.
The objective would be that before lending a statement before the judge, they would then decline to do so, they will not prepare a joint strategy in the cells.

However, the lawyer explains that they suffered “unfortunate and inhumane situations”.
He adds that the police had already been together in the previous records that were made after the arrests and also in the Almendralejo police station: “They are not terrorists and were treated as such, only detained those who are being investigated and have their rights”
, the Mint.

Both he and his fellow lawyers alerted the judge himself, the fiscal ministry and the judicial secretary, who “proved the facts that were happening”, according to this version, so the prosecution present a complaint shortly for clarifying the alleged
Irregularities that occurred.
If not, the agents will submit a complaint against those responsible for the situation by a supposed crime of torture, which is typified in Article 174 of the Criminal Code, which affects “inhuman or degrading acts” of public officials.

On the other hand, the four agents that the judge decreed on Friday sent them to prison-Shddenly and unbocked – were transferred yesterday from the jail of Badajoz to that of Endremera (Madrid) to enter a special exclusive security module for
The agents of the security forces and bodies of the State and thus not mix with the rest of the prisoners.
The fifth agent of the arrested group was released with charges with after lending a statement to the questions of the lawyer, than not to those of the judge and the prosecutor.
In addition, there is a civil guard who was arrested in Torrevieja (Alicante), where an investigation of this operation has also been opened.