YouTube is testing the download of videos of your platform from the browser, with a function that will be temporarily available for users of the Premium Subscription Service.

Premium users have the possibility to test some new functions that are still in experimental phase, along with features such as the absence of ads or content download to see offline.

One of the functions that are currently under test, and temporarily until October 19, is the download of videos from the browser, as reports on its website.
Participants will find a download button while watching the video, an option that is also in the three-point menu of the browser.

It is a proof function that is available on computers with the most recent versions of Chrome, Opera or Edge browsers.
With it, just as it already allows on your mobile, you can save videos in your library to see offline.

The company also offers to test the ‘image image’ mode in iOS, a function that will be active for premium users until October 31, and with which you will see the YouTube videos in a miniature while using other applications.