The risk of mortality in transgender people doubles that of cosgenero men and women, whose gender concides with their biological sex assigned at birth, as concluded by a broad study with data that extend over almost five decades published today by the magazine “The Lancet
Diabetes & Endocrinology “.

The cohort of the analysis consisted of 4,568 transgender adults (2,927 transgender women and 1,641 transgender men) who received hormonal treatment in the Gender Identity Department of the Amsterdam UMC University Hospital between 1972 and 2018.

The work indicates that their risk of mortality did not decrease during those 46 years, which in the eyes of researchers “emphasizes the urgent need to solve these significant health differences” with respect to the rest of the population.

“Increasing social acceptance, monitoring and treating cardiovascular diseases, the use of tobacco and HIV will continue to be important factors that can contribute to reducing the risk of mortality in transgender people,” said Martin Den Heijer, the lead author of the study.

The scientist emphasizes that “it is thought that hormonal treatment is safe” and that most of the causes of mortality among the population studied “are not related” with that regime.

“However, at this time the evidence to determine its long-term security is insufficient,” recalca Den Heijer, which urges the scientific community to carry out “more investigations to establish completely if (hormonal treatment) affects some
Fashion to the risk of mortality “.

During the study time, 317 transgender women died (10.8%) and 44 transgender men (2.7%), resulting in a general mortality of 628 deaths per 100,000 people each year.

Compared with cosgenero women, transgender women showed 2.6 times more risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, 3.1 more risk of dying from lung cancer, about nine times more by infections and six times more for any non-natural cause

The risk of mortality among transgender men was similar to that of cosgenery men (a ratio of 1.1 times more risk), although it was multiplied by 1.6 with respect to cosgenero women.

“We have detected that most suicides and deaths related to HIV occurred in the first decades of the study, suggesting that the greatest social acceptance and access to support, as well as better treatments for HIV, may have played a role
Important, “said Christel de Blok, another of the authors of work.