Elena is 15 years old, a late smile, a skin with voluntary burns and a recent backpack of tuning suicides.

He lives in a chalet, stretches with his mobile, sighs by the same idols that our children, tearing a guitar gracefully, play and fight with his sister which corresponds and has a family of shelter.

Carolina Burillo lives to heal teenagers.
It sounds grandiloquent, but how to define, if not, to someone who has been working on the psychiatry of minors, which is the childish and youthful mental health coordinator of the Infanta Sofia Hospital and who has an agenda between 250 and
300 children and adolescents?

“As of October, gravity was shot. They had been a month of class and saw that it was not going to be as they thought. There were restrictions and were incorporated into an altered manner after not having contact with their peers. From 3rd.
That worsened: semipresentation, without a patio, divided classes, no coincidence with his friends … and the OCO wave prevented them from coming either. Now we blame, but for them the relationship between the same is key to its autonomy
, Share what you feel and differentiate yourself from your parents. Summing up: it did not return to the normality they had and needed. ”

For the consultations and the plant of this hospital are spending thousands of boys and girls.
There is here a range of depressions, anxiety, disorders of food conduct, self-caller and suicidal ideas.
“We see sadness, wanting to stay at home, lack of illusion, tiredness, boredom, get nervous, get angry, get frustrated and use methods to control those emotions for which nobody helps them, or parents, or teachers, or friends,
They are also saturated. They try to scream and nobody hears them. ”

The Clinical Psychologist Anhara GarcĂ­a Valverde also detects novelties: “What is most seen is anxious-depressive disorders, non-mental or personality disorders. College or family problems, panic, phobias. And I think the pandemic has influenced the minors who
They have or have had sick at home. ”

Back to infanta Sofia, Dr. Burillo links the two words of this report: “The pandemic is very relevant in depression. I see an increase in emergencies in adolescents, many with autolytic attempts. They are boys in healthy theory, new cases,
Not known in consultation, they have a serious debut. We have come to have three adolescents daily on each guard waiting six days for income. This month we are a little better, but we do not know what will happen when the course begins. If you are face-to-face
It will help recover the routine they need. And it is worth assessing the economic and social impact of the pandemic in adults. Because a dismissal to a father or mother has an impact on children. ”

– Carolina, journalism likes data.
How many cases do you treat and how often?

– Now I have an agenda between 250 and 300 in infanto-youth.
And my partner psychiatrist and my three companions clinical psychologists, the same.
Before we had fewer cases.
The problem is that the window between a consultation and another is expanded: instead of one every three weeks or a month, it is now an every two or three months.
The pandemic has a double price: the waiting list for new cases is extended and the window is extended between a consultation and another for others.