The good health perspectives for the advance of vaccination against Covid-19 may allow a greater personance of students at Spanish universities.
The Ministry led by Manuel Castells opens the door on its recommendations to the centers for the 2021-2022 course to enter more students per classroom, as long as the infection indexes continue to fall.

The past course was mandatory a minimum distance of at least 1.5 meters between students within the classroom.
For the next academic year, the main novelty is that this distance can be reduced to 1.2 meters if they improve sanitary conditions.

That means many more students per class.
Something very relevant, because the increase in personation will imply that there are fewer rotations in order to attend the centers and fewer students having to follow the classes by telematics.

In its publication on Tuesday, the thread of what agreed in July with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Universities proposes to begin the new course as the previous one is over: with distance of 1.5 meters.

However, it is now willing to a situation of “new normality” and “levels of alert 1 and 2”, the autonomous communities and university centers can “flexibilize” that distance to lower it at 1.2 meters.
Those are the conditions.

This implies that it can be applied unevenly in Spain throughout the new course, since it will depend on the “specific context” of each autonomous community and the levels of incidence of the COVID.

The door open to more students in class invites to think that the scenario that is handled is optimistic.
Not in vain, we must bear in mind that the rhythm of vaccination advances at a good step and that precisely since this summer is vaccinating young people.
In any case, we must wait yet for students from the university agenda to have received the two doses of the vaccine.

Regarding the rest of the prevention measures against Coronavirus in universities, what was already currently the last course is maintained.
Students must take the mask at all times in the classes and hygiene will be encouraged.

Likewise, the ventilation of the classrooms and the rest of spaces will still be strict, as well as the cleaning of the center.
As forces people with symptoms, in isolation or quarantine not to go to university centers.

Sources of the Ministry of Universities emphasize that the centers are already “prepared” for the new course and before any situation because they already have the experience of last year.
Thus, that “all scenarios are foreseen” and the “adapted” protocols to the pandemic.