The McDonald’s fast food multinational reported on Tuesday that its 1,250 locations in England, Scotland and Wales have run out of smoothies and without bottled refreshments at the lack of supplies.

After Brexit, the food industry in the United Kingdom suffers and faces serious problems to recruit workers and, in particular, to carriers, which causes delays in production and distribution, as EFE advanced.

“Like most retailers, we are currently experiencing some problems of the supply chain, which impacts the availability of a limited number of products,” a McDonald’s spokesman told the media.

“Bottled drinks and shakes are temporarily out of the offer in our restaurants” of Great Britain, stressed that spokesman, who thanked the “patience” of his clients.

The British employer of road transport (Road Haulage Association) warned in July that there is a deficit of 100,000 drivers in the United Kingdom and demanded the Government to facilitate the hiring of foreign workers.

Since the Brexit was materialized, on January 1, British companies can not use Community without a work visa or with the status of “seated” in the United Kingdom.

The pandemic has worsened the situation, according to the employer, given that about 30,000 driving tests for new carriers were suspended last year, which makes it difficult to hire local personnel.

In addition to McDonald’s, other restoration chains in the United Kingdom, such as KFC and Nando’s have announced in recent weeks limitations on its offer due to supply problems.