The President of the Committee on Rights and Guarantees of the PP, Andrea Levy, has urged the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, to leave “the photos and the Tits” and “Give the face” in the Congress of the Members to explain his
Plans before the crisis of Afghanistan, the refund of minors to Morocco or the rise of light.

“We celebrated that Pedro Sánchez has reappeared and has passed from his vacation at La Moncloa’s vacation in that Sabbath appearance – in the Air Base of Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) -, but we ask him to walk a few more steps towards Congress of
The deputies, which is where you should give the face and give explanations, “Levy indicated on a visit to the Gran Via 55 gastronomic space.

In addition, he has ensured that the PP will exercise his opposition work “with responsibility and with a sense of state”.

Levy has highlighted that it is positive for European institutions to support Spain and appreciate the “exemplary” behavior that our country is having in the Afghanistan crisis.

At the same time, he has recognized the efforts of diplomats, forces and security bodies of the State, volunteers and public servants to guarantee evacuations of Afghanistan.

However, it has asked the Government a “strategy” in the process of attention to Afghans who arrive in Spain and that implies the different administrations because, in their opinion, in the crises that have happened this month of August, “We have
had less government and worse government. ”

The Council of Ministers will approve on August 24, declare as a catastrophic area “each and every one of the communities that have undergone fires this summer and another type of natural catastrophes,” said President Prester Sánchez announced this Sunday.

In an appearance without questions After visiting part of the area affected by the flames in the province of Ávila, Sánchez has shown the “total commitment” of the Government with the traveled territories and has appealed for all administrations to allocate resources to recover the
Normality as soon as possible and work in collaboration.

In addition to underlining the “commitment” of the central government and the rest of the institutions with the harmful, it has referred to the fact that fires in Spain and in other countries are “becoming a usual tonic with more cadence and impact on the territory”,
Fruit of “global warming” and “climate change”.

He has also remembered that fire, in addition to “devastating” natural heritage and biodiversity, produces a “material and emotional tear” in those who lose their environments, as well as their homes, their crops and their working conditions.