New times for diplomatic relations between Spain and Morocco.
On Friday night Mohamed VI took advantage of a solemn opportunity – his speech to the nation on the occasion of the 68th anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People – to announce his intention to inaugurate a “new unpublished” in his relations with Spain, built
On the basis of “trust, transparency, mutual respect and honor of commitments.”
This Saturday, in his reappearance after the holidays, Pedro Sánchez thanked the words of the King of Morocco and set his purpose: “About trust, about the respect and about the present and future collaboration I believe that we can build on much more solid bases of
those that we have had so far ».

These words directly refer to the crisis experienced by both countries following the hospital admission in Logroño of the General Secretary of the Polisario Front, Brahim Gali.
Rabat facilitated the entry into Ceuta of more than 10,000 migrants in response, which triggered an escalation of tensions that culminated with the relay of the Foreign Minister, Arancha González Laya, by José Manuel Albares.

«I think that there are also opportunities about any crisis and this I think it is a great opportunity to redefine those relationships, the pillars on which they are based and in that sense I can only thank and recognize the words of the King of Morocco,” he emphasized the
Government President during a press conference at Afghan Refugee Refugee Center in Torrejón de Ardon and in the presence of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Limen.

Sánchez took the opportunity to remember that Morocco is “a strategic ally of both Spain and the EU as a whole” and wanted to “recognize and appreciate in those Aciagos days of the month of May, in that crisis that we had migration throughout the month
May, the words of support, encouragement “by Michel and Von Der Leyen.
“We feel very comforted, we feel very recognized and very represented in his words,” he emphasized.

In opposition to calm in the diplomatic front, the Government has pending resolving the repatriation of unaccompanied minors arrived at Ceuta “massively” in May and paralyzed by court order.
“Logically, we will respond to any of the requirements that the courts pose,” Sánchez Zanjó.
The President proposed “to respond also to the complex balance of coexistence in the city of Ceuta” in collaboration with the city and Rabat “to respond to this double reality, this double aspect of this crisis».