The United States has not included Spain among countries who appreciate their “fundamental” work during the evacuation of Kabul after the outbreak of the Afghanistan crisis.

In a statement issued by the Department of State of the United States, “especially” “North American partners” is recognized “around the world that have been fundamental in this operation.”
These partners, as listed, are about twenty countries, but among them is not Spain.

Thus, the United States thanks, through a letter signed by the Secretary of State, Antony J. Binken, Bahrain, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Qatar, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates
, United Kingdom and Uzbekistan for being territories where Americans have traveled or traveled during the evacuation operation.

“Albania, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Kosovo, Macedonia del Norte, Mexico, Poland, Qatar, Rwanda and Uganda have also made generous offers regarding the relocation efforts of risk of risk,” follows the Recognition Release
The one who has had access to the world.

“We deeply appreciate the support they have offered and we are proud to associate with them in our shared support for the Afghan people, other countries are encouraged that are also considering support.”

As detailed in the note, the United States has evacuated approximately 13,000 people from August 14, shortly after the Taliban took Kabul.
The objective of the United States is to expand the figure of evacuates in the next days thanks to the support it receives from countries such as those mentioned in the writing.

“In recent days, the United States has mobilized an unprecedented global effort through our diplomatic channels to evacuate US citizens, personnel from Kabul-risk partner countries and Afghan,” Blinken.

“This massive effort would not be possible without the tireless commitment of the Department’s workforce. We have more work to be done, but your dedication to the service is of the highest level. I would also like to thank the partners of the entire EE interagency. UU
. For its cooperation and support for our collective efforts, “says Secretary of State in his writing.