United we can add again to go out on the streets.
On this occasion, against the “scam” that supposes the rise in the price of light.
This has been announced this Wednesday the parliamentary spokesperson of the Residence Coalition, Pablo Echenique.

“That nobody fits the slightest doubt that, from United we can, we will give the battle in all spaces (government, parliament, street) to end this expoliation,” Echenka has expressed through his Twitter account.

This announcement has been accompanied by a warning to the PSOE, party with which he shares executive, about the intention of units we can stop the climbing of the average price of light invoice: “Whoever wants to follow us to follow us and who does not know
Return to citizenship “.

The electric pool has registered on Wednesday its third consecutive historical record, until at 114 euros per megawatt hour, a 190% more expensive than a year ago, when the price was around 39.3 euros.

From United we can define this increase as a “looting” and blame the electrical “oligopoly” of this situation: “They set the price speculatively to be held at the expense of families and small businesses,” says Echenique.

The dwellings have been insisting on the need to create a public energy company with which to introduce a “real competition” in the market – to the “opaque” – to lower the price of light.
“The State has an obligation to intervene,” has launched Echenique Wednesday.

The Unida spokesman can in the Congress of the Deputies has accused the electrical “oligopoly” of “kidnapping a well-needed good”, in reference to light, “to speculate with it to enrich itself while impoverishing the majority of the country
“, Something that has said, the government should not allow.

It is the second time in less than a week that from the minority partner of government it arises to go to the streets to manifest itself.
A few days ago, from the purple coalition it was notified that if the executive did not take a step back in his intention to expand the El Prat airport, they would manifest in Barcelona in September along with other parties and ecological entities.