The National Police suspects that producer José Luis Moreno, who is in bail after being detained within the framework of Operation Titella for alleged scam crimes, would maintain hidden between 400 and 900 million euros abroad, according to documentation of the
Summary unveiled by the television program everything is true (four).

In a police report provided to the Central Court of Instruction Number 2 of the National Hearing, agents ensure that the ventrilozo – “direct consequence of the financial situation” that crosses- decided to “leave Spain”, “Sell everything that has” and
“Leave without liquidating anything.”

Thus, the researchers conclude that “I would mean that Moreno would not introduce in our country the money that seems to have hidden abroad (from 400 to 900 million)”, which would have been confirmed in a call in which the producer owns participates
February 25 at 14.06 hours.

In this conversation, the ventriloquist would have insisted that he had to leave the country.
“What I have to go is outside Spain urgently,” he said.

The agents argue that the television producer allegedly fixed two venues outside the country: one in Los Angeles (United States) and another in London (United Kingdom).
As they specify in the report, Moreno also “would be building a hotel in Maldives.”

Within the framework of the information provided to the court, the researchers describe the relationship of Moreno with one of the alleged scammented, Alejandro Roemeers, who would have invested more than 30 million euros for the production of a series that was not performed.

The police detailed that he was aware – through telephone interventions – that “Moreno would have appropriated 16 million euros” of the 32 that Roemmers would have contributed as a private partner and investor to record the series that the ventilate supposedly
He did with the Society Dreamlight International Productions SL on the life of Francisco de Asís.

In the Summary of the Research there are messages from Roemmers to Moreno in which the money is demanded.
“You have not done anything that I asked for, nor have you contributed fresh money to society,” he came to say he.
“32 million in exchange for nothing, except for an inconclusive script and a trailer that according to the experts I have consulted is lacking quality,” consists between messages.

In the report, agents also analyze talks of two Moreno employees in which it is affirmed that “they would not endure” an audit because it would be detected that “in the whole first year they did not start recording.”

Likewise, researchers collect fragments of the conversation in which it is said that they would have issued invoices of “personnel that did not exist”, making them believe that they worked 100 people when “only” were two.

Moreno is at interim freedom on bail since last July 1.
Although at first the instructor magistrate claimed a fucker of three million euros, the producer submitted documentation to accredit a mortgage endorsement obtained to cover the sum claimed by the national audience.

The ventriloquist appears as investigated by alleged crimes of illicit association, scam, falsification of documents, money laundering, crimes against public finance and punishable insolvency.

He is accused of being scammed by more than 50 million euros through the creation of a business framework that had more than 700 mercantiles, presumably brushing black money from organizations dedicated to drug trafficking.

During the police investigation, which dates back to two years, an intervention was performed in which more than one million euros was apprehended in cash to a ‘mule’, which worked for the organization transporting in vehicles with double bottom large amounts of cash
Throughout the national territory from the sale of drugs inside and outside our borders.

The investigation was born in 2018 as a result of several denunciations of banking entities in which it manifested how to abuse the bank operation this organization had managed to defraud more than 1.3 million.