The PP accuses before the national audience of “bad praxis” to the Inspector of the Economic and Fiscal Delinquency (UDEF) Manuel Morocho. The legal representation of the training that Pablo Married has submitted a writing before the Central Court of Instruction number 5 in which he asks the immediate expulsion of the cause of the Bárcenas roles of the last report prepared by Manuel Morocho. The latter presented a few days ago an analysis of the statements provided in the Summary of Kitchen Operation of one of the Commissioners involved, Enrique García Castaño, while yielding a series of conclusions about the Popolicio operation to spy on the former PP treasurer. The lawyer Jesús Santos emphasizes in his writing that the Morocho report is not related “neither objective nor subjective” with the investigation carried out by the Bureau of Instruction 5, which deals with BC accounting for decades. In this line, The PP Esgrime that a Kitchen-related report has been introduced in the cause of the Bárcene papers denotes an “unhealthy and censurable proactivity” against the party by the aforementioned police officer, which also attributes a “evil manifesta praxis” to look for ” Desperately indicated elements “with” spurious purposes “., It accuses him” not having any repairs to dilapidate the scarce resources of the police A Judicial “By carrying out reports that nothing have to do with the investigation in progress and that, in addition, on a police command that in the cause of the roles has not declared or as investigated or as a witness. You say that Morocho declared Recently that García Castaño, who now reports, came to threaten to death on one occasion. According to various witnesses of that conversation, the high police command just told him in an ironic way that with the reports he had made against the PP “he thought he would be dead.”