It was not the perfect epilogue, but is that the movie of the last two decades of Spanish basketball had so many emotions, so many moments not even dreamed, that soon to consume the umpteenth frustration against the United States was unleashed in the bowels of Saitama Super Arena a
Incontaniable torrent of nostalgia.
The Gasol, Pau and Marc, giants up at home, closed the circle with the confirmation of his goodbye to the shirt that made legend.
There could not be on the planet a more iconic place for this, or a rival confront more noble for the final lousy.

“We got off this beautiful attraction we got up 15 years ago.”
The words of Marc Gasol could not be better chosen either.
Because everything was an exciting swing.
If together they jumped into an all Star at Madison Square Garden, they said goodbye to the team with which they won the most.
Brothers in the family who entered twenties and leave forty, a life in which they loaded the backpack of medals and imperishable scenes.
It was not a triumphant finish, cruel personally for them -nuning basket to the USA Team between the two, Pau did not even appear in the second half – but as sentimental as it could be expected.
“It has been worth it,” he cleared any doubt Pau, who will now think of the family of him the future of him, although nothing indicates that there will be some more dance on the court for him.

Because his presence in Tokyo did not respond exclusively to the contribution on the court.
If something had this collective was the ability to honor those who did it great.
It is really noteworthy that none of the protagonists of the golden generation went out through the back door.
All – Carlos Jiménez, Garbajosa, Calderón, Felipe Reyes, Navarro …-, they did it when they considered it opportune, with as much respect for their careers as itself.
And what could be a toll, is part of the secret.
“It’s another day to be proud of our players, for what they have shown, by the way they have competed and not surrender, I hope young people learn from them. This is the part of this story that really makes them legend, not
Only for basketball, also for world sport, we will miss them, “he put Sergio Scariolo in value.

Another detail of noon in Saitama speaks of that ambition that turned Mito to Pau.
With all the elegance that distils and reproaching it more than Scariolo, the pivot was not entirely satisfied with the game, with that blur on the last scene.
“I am competitive and I would like to be 40 minutes on track by bringing the team things that I am used to doing,” he said, as a song to what can not be.
The coach, who at any time he wanted to dishonor Pau by jumping to the court in the junk minutes – “I would have been a lack of very serious respect. After all he has done to recover, you can not make him a bitch like that, go out in
Cold “-, talked about the moments lived in that costume, deeper communion at the harsh instants.
Because although the announcement did the brothers, it is very likely that some more would have played their last game with Spain.

There, in that corridor, in that “unforgettable moment”, in which Scariolo asked them to stop thinking about the game, “that live the privilege of being part of this legend, of the pride that must be felt for having been an example Incredible, in Spain and outside Spain, “by the minds of the protagonists, one, a mental slides of those peripeties. Of that other unforgettable day in Saitama, 15 years ago, in which they stepped on the moon with Pau Gasol injured. Or the Olympic finals of Beijing and London, amazing the planet. Or those continental golds, which better, Katowice, Kaunas and Lille. Even the last boast, the still recent colophon of the 2019 World Cup … Also, sure, sets like that of this Tuesday, of those who always got up, those Athens games, the shot of Holden in the palace or, also there, The largest blur of all, that of the World Patrio 2014. “It was a moment to savor. Not to enjoy it, because we had lost, but the historical perspective will make us understand how many millions of players or technicians have given anything to live this privilege “, claimed Scariolo.

There was no one in Saitama who will not shine the eyes of emotion.
The circle was closed, now, before Kevin Durant.
On a night he had a little time for good times, the last revelry, although in that lasters in the second quarter were not those of Sant Boi the protagonists.
“We have shared a life together, they are two very special people. They say that as you are outside it is reflected on the court. Well, I think the court has not been at all fair with them. Because it was examples of life, coherence and loyalty to
The values they represent, “put the cushion Jorge Garbajosa, who, in ear, interrupting his meeting with the press, a gregg Popovich had whispered the best of the praise:” We always get the best out of ourselves. ”