The president of the United States, Joe Biden, proposed his advisor Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon on Tuesday, Head of Cabinet of the First Lady, as a new United States Ambassador in Spain and Andorra, the White House said in a statement.

Biden has also proposed as the new ambassador in the European Union to Mark Gitenstein, Exembajor in Romania.

Of Dominican origin, Reynoso currently occupied the position of Cabinet Head of the First Lady Office, Jill Biden, as well as Co-Championship of the Genre Policy Council of the White House, created by the current administration.

The Embassy of Madrid will be the second one that occupies Reynoso, which was already the maximum diplomatic representative of the United States on another occasion, in Uruguay, during the administration of Barack Obama.

Among other positions, he has also held that of Undersecretary of Affairs of the Western Hemisphere of the Department of State.

Formed at the Universities of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, and in the Americans of Yale and Columbia, the future ambassador in Spain has been a partner of the Winston & Straw, dedicated to international law.
In addition, she worked for Federal Judge Laura Taylor Swain.

Reynoso has been very involved in immigration issues and last March was part of a Biden’s government delegation that visited the border area in the state of Texas, and a detention center for minor immigrants in Carrizo Springs.

That month also Reynoso granted an interview with EFE in its capacity as co-president of the Blanch House Gender Policies, in which he spoke of the need to move towards “zero tolerance” with violence against women and promote that
Principle also internationally.

He then explained that the Biden Government has among its priorities the creation of a national action plan to end gender violence.

The appointment of Reynoso has to be confirmed by the American Senate.
As for Gitenstein, the White House recalled that during the last decade he has worked on projects in Central and Eastern Europe, and as Ambassador he focused on the fight against corruption and the defense of democratic institutions, work that has continued afterwards
With your jobs in NGOs.