The Xavier Massó Philosophy Professor (Tarragona, 1959) is the Secretary General of the Union Professors of Secondària de Catalonia and presides over the Foundation Episteme in Defense of Knowledge.
He recently posted a book, the end of education.
The school that stopped being (Akal), where he denounces that “the school is under minimum” because “teachers can no longer promote the idea of effort and learning and there is only intellectual indigence.”
An “indigence” that has also reached the professors themselves, he holds him, and proof of this is that “clamorous cultural deficiencies are observed in the oppositions.”

Xavier Massó proposes to promote contests such as Mathematics Olympics, which stimulate the study of this discipline and develop young talents.
In his opinion, these competitions “are bad views because fashion now is not to compare or make known the results not even in football children’s parties, so that nobody stands out.”
“You have to try that the student gives the best of himself, within him’s possibilities.
Encourage the culture of effort, with the incentive of some foreign contrast, is the best educational practice. ”