Vox has moved tab.
It has just been presented at the Ceuta Assembly, a proposal for which the revocation of the Declaration of Person Non Grata to Santiago Abascal is requested.

VOX has publicly demanded a repositioning of the Popular Party after supporting the proposal against Abascal.
The Vox leader considers that with that position the relations with the PP were “broken” because the formation of Pablo married would have crossed “the red line”.

Some sources interpret that with this VOX initiative the door to the rectification of the PP is opened and, in addition, it is considered an act of dravel to Abascal, which would significantly cool the open crisis between both formations.

VOX explains in its registered document this morning that last Friday, July 23, the Assembly of Ceuta approved an initiative that was declared Santiago Abascal Count Person Non-Grata.
“A statement that does not fit into the feeling of the ceuties who, freely and exercise their right to vote, became Vox in the first political force of the Autonomous City in the last general elections on November 10, 2019”.

According to the text of the formation of Abascal, this practice of declaring person Non Grata to a Spanish in any part of the national territory “must be expected of our parliaments, assemblies and town halls. It is an act opposite to the fundamental right of all Spaniards to
Choose freely your place of residence and circulate throughout the national territory. ”

“The ceuties,” adds the writing to which the world has had, “would not understand that from our institutions it was indicated to certain people to defend some ideas. In addition, this act, cowardly essence, supposes the demonization and dehumanization of ideas.
Expressed by the VOX national leader and subscribed by 3,657,000 Spaniards with their vote. No Spanish should feel intimidated, limited or persecuted in Spain and, much less, indicated by institutions whose purpose is to serve and protect their rights and those of all
the Spanish”.

“There are many who have had to suffer the consequences of this innoble practice that has been especially promoted for years by separatist matches when they directed them against the representatives of other parties and against those who disagree their postulates freely, reaching the limit of pointing out
People in their own hometown, “says Vox.

The Abascal Party ends: “Ceuta is and must remain part of the homeland of any Spanish, regardless of the region of which he comes. For that reason, this Assembly must continue to try that any Spanish can say that this wonderful city is
His house. For all these reasons, and with the arguments previously exposed, we propose to the Plenary of the Assembly, the adoption of the following Agreement: Revoke immediately the Declaration of Person Non-Grata to Santiago Abascal in Ceuta “.