The Judge of the National Hearing who investigates the business of José Manuel Villarejo has agreed to send to trial the retired commissioner’s business with the Planeta Group, who paid him for investigating the Head of an Arbitral Award of Kiss FM that had cost him 211 million
of euros.

Magistrate Manuel García-Castellón believes that he has already concluded the investigation of this separate piece 12 of the tandem case and there are signs of sufficient crime to go to trial.
Iran to the bench, next to Villarejo, the former head of security of the Planeta Group, Antonio López López, the director of the Legal Advisory and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Planeta, Luis Elías Viñeta, and a policeman in second activity that worked for Villarejo
, Antonio Giménez Raso.

According to the judicial resolution, in 2014 Villarejo asked Giménez Raso to contact the Chief Security Chief of Planeta, “alleging that he could get relevant information for the group, about the Julio González Soria referee and his performance in the procedure
Arbitral “that resolved with KISS FM.
Specifically, he had received a bribe to fail against the planet group.

There were several meetings at the Villarejo offices at the Picasso Tower of Madrid and Barcelona, in which the former commissar requested a million euros for maneuvering in favor of planet.
In the end, the denominated by Villarejo Project Jully remained at an assignment of patrimonial research to the referee for 40,000 euros plus VAT.

In its work proposal, Villarejo indicated that it would have “ability to access restricted databases” to obtain data from the arbitrator that declined the award in favor of KISS FM.
By then he was an active commissioner, so the payment for private services would suppose a crime of bribery.

The report on the Jully project “was delivered in an envelope closed by Antonio Giménez Raso to Antonio López López. In it, a patrimonial study of Julio González Soria was carried out, as well as its personal and financial situation.”

As a payment by the report, in May 2014, the Planet Group paid 48,400 euros to the law firm Start & Mackenzie, directed by Villarejo Pérez.
The invoice was by “legal advice from January to May 2014”.

The judge gives a period of 10 days to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the other person accusations to present the writings with the legal rating of the facts and the sorrows they claim for the accused.

The separate piece referred to the one referred to the Jully project is, at the moment, the fourth that has been concluded for trial within the tandem case.
The first three correspond to the pieces Iron, Land and Painter, who will be judged jointly.