Bertinelli shared Rolling Stone’s story about Clapton’s stance with a photo of herself, Eddie Van Halen, and Clapton. The caption to the image read, “Once a fool, always a fool.”

Clapton made headlines yesterday (July 21) when he issued a statement in response to U.K. Prime Minster Borris Johnson and his order that people will need to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to enter any nightclub or any other large crowd venue beginning at the end of September.

Clapton’s statement was posted via Telegram account of Robin Monotti Graziadei, an architect and noted anti-lockdown activist. It reads: “Following Monday’s announcement by the PM on Monday 19 July 2021, I feel honour bound make an announcement of mine: I wish to state that I will not perform at any stage where there are a discriminated audience. If there are not sufficient arrangements for everyone to attend, I reserve all rights to cancel the show.