Green and Burgess are now a hot item. Their relationship began 11 months ago. It wouldn’t have been possible if Green had partnered with Burgess on DWTS.

Burgess said in an exclusive interview that “it’s definitely better than Brian wasn’t my dancing partner on Dancing With the Starsbecause it’s not something I ever get romantically involved.” It’s business for me. It is my passion. It should be perfect. It can be complicated for those who are connected in other ways than just dance and friendships. So, I prefer to do a good work, and dancing comes first.

They were eventually introduced by a mutual business manager who said to Burgess, “There’s someone you should meet.” She also called me and said, “Listen, I get that same energy from you both when I’m with you. It’s a constant feeling that you should meet. It’s up to you to decide what happens, but I believe you should meet.

They met, and the rest is history. Now they work together on the#Search4SmilesCampaign forScottAndAmy MalinAtTrueheart. Here’s the best part: Amy had also planned to introduce Burgess, Green, and both of them had previously worked with Trueheart.

Burgess stated that Brian and I had discussed the possibility of doing something together in order to help others. “And by chance Amy and Scott reached us about #Search4Smiles campaign and said that they were actually looking to find a couple and would be interested in Brian and me being a part. It was an easy decision for us.”

The #Search4Smiles campaign supports smile Train, which has provided more cleft surgeries for children all over the globe than any other charity combined.

“We were blown away by Smile Train’s work and their approach to it. Then we saw the photos of Smile Train’s children smiling, and thought, ‘You know?’ We said yes. Burgess agreed.