The modern Republican Party’s defining feature is its belief that systemic racism doesn’t exist and that, if it is real, those who suffer from bigotry are actually white. GOP lawmakers and other conservatives hate critical race theory. This theory holds that the U.S. society is inherently racist and exists to perpetuate economic, social and political inequalities among white people and people of colour, especially Black people. Conservatives who have written entire books about liberals being “easy to trigger” throw fits at the mention of CRT and demand it be banned from schools. They also hysterically claim that it is child abuse. You’d think that they would listen to the U.S. military on the subjects it allows cadets to discuss before they send them off to defend the country. Republicans often talk a lot about how much they respect the military. You would be wrong to think otherwise!

ClaimingRepresentatives from Florida stated Wednesday that critical race theory training would be difficult for trainees.Michael WaltzAnd a alleged sex offenderMatt GaetzRequirements GeneralMark MilleyChairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff defends his belief that it is extremely important to learn about the history of this nation. He did so vigorously.

“I have read Mao Zedong. I have read Karl Marx. Milley stated that he had read Lenin. Milley said, “That doesn’t make me a Communist. Milley said that understanding, having a situational understanding of the country we are fighting for is not wrong. Milley said, “And I personally find offensive that we accuse the United States military, its general officers, and our commissioned, and noncommissioned officers of being, quote…woke,” or something else. He also stated that he was a white person and wanted to understand the “white rage” and how it might have impacted the attack on Capitol Hill on January 6. What is the reason that thousands of people attacked this building to try to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America?” Is there a reason for this? That is what I want to know. I’m open to the idea, and I would like to see it through my eyes. It is crucial that leaders in the future and now understand it.”

Gaetz didn’t like that well-crafted, lucid answer. He literally shook his head in defiance of the punk-ass Milley was saying:

Gaetz wasn’t the only one squeezing his pants over the idea that education could be offered to the military. Fox News responded to Milley’s testimony.Laura IngrahamDeclared that Congress should tell her, “We’re going to not give you a nickel until all of these are eliminated from the military budget,” and that she was “totally shocked by [Milley]’s ridiculous response today.”