Last week however, bisexual Americans obtained a signal boost since the youngest girl of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo came out in an Instagram post celebrating Pride.

Michaela Kennedy-Cuomo composed on her Instagram post announcing her sensual and amorous orientations,”Now, I stand in my own queer identity with pride, and in memory of those who arrived before me. I stand with a helping hand outreached to people finding their way out of underneath socially constructed boxes to emerge in the cupboard. I am standing .”

Kennedy-Cuomo, 23, is the youngest of 3 brothers of this juvenile and his former partner Kerry Kennedy, an American human rights activist, author and also the CEO of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, a rights and humanitarian firm called for her father, the late New York Senator Robert Kennedy.

In her article, Kennedy-Cuomo also took aim at the Social Networking giant composing;

“Into @instagram if you censor the #LGBTQ words and community like #lesbian and #bi you condemn sexual identities to vulgar fetishes and pornography markets. If you strip my capacity to come across queer community and content, you damn sexual minorities to exist on the world wide web just as fringe groups to objectify. In case #bi weren’t censored, possibly I might have obtained the information and resources like a bisexual man I would have to guard myself from elevated levels of sexual victimization, homelessness, hunger, unemployment, hate crimes, and emotional health issues.”