The country has united the Queen in observing all the significant landmarks of her reign – for example rock concerts and posh palace picnics.

Royal Jubilees are an event to celebrate the life and reign of a Monarch, and also therefore are important events that are famous around the globe.

Few British monarchs have attained reigns of 50 decades, also Golden Jubilees are extremely rare. There are only a few recordings of the way – if at all – Henry III, Edward III and James VI and I renowned their own 50-year milestones.

The Queen has had substantial jubilee celebrations in 1977 – to get her Silver Jubilee – 2002 for its Golden Jubilee and 2012 for her Diamond Jubilee.

Each of the Jubilees follow a similar formulation of road celebrations, special church services, beacon light and a tour across the nation.

Back in 1977, celebrating 25 years on the throne, the Queen’s tour lasted three months since she searched to observe the individuals and organisations near her heart.

The gardens of Buckingham Palace were used for public classrooms for the first time during the Golden Jubilee Central Weekend.

An estimated one million people found out the Palace at The Mall and around the Queen Victoria Memorial and 200 million on tv as artists such as Phil Collins, Tom Jones and Shirley Bassey celebrated the historical event.

Organised by Take That singer-songwriter Gary Barlow and attended by the Queen, who came at 9 pm to rapturous applause from tens of thousands of men and women who’d attended via a ballot.