Debris by a SpaceX rocket which reentered the air a week has been discovered on a homeowner’s house in Central Washington country, the Grant County Sheriff’s Office said Friday.

The 5-foot-long composite-overwrapped pressure boat came in the Falcon 9 rocket’s”2nd point which did not successfully possess a deorbit burnoff,” the National Weather Service stated, based on Q13 FOX at Seattle.

The sheriff’s office stated the homeowner had no comment and wished to be left alone.

The debris left a four-inch dent in the floor but no additional damage was reported, based on KOMO-TV in Seattle.

SpaceX has since recovered the pressure vessel, which KOMO reported could have comprised pressurized helium.

The Falcon 9’s initial phase landed in Florida as intended, SpaceX said Wednesday, in accordance with Q13. The rocket routed Starlink satellites for net accessibility into orbit.