The 200 Fans of the United Volleys went a bit. Motionless they sat on a Sunday afternoon to one of the longitudinal sides in the lower ranks of the Mannheim SAP Arena. The Slogan, which ran from time to time on the digital gang, “cheer Together!”, no effect on you. No wonder, were it but just cardboard figures, greeted because of the ranks, the Frankfurter had brought with them. The real followers experienced the 3:0 (25:23, 25:21, 25:22)-victory in the Cup final of the German Volleyball Federation (DVV) pandemic only from the distance, in front of the TV screens.

you saw how your team won with powerful premiums against the network hopper KW-Bestensee a quick first advantage. The Formation of coach Juan Manuel Serramalera was getting irritated when the Brandenburg catch up once again, and even past have been able to draw. And how external attacker Tim Grozer, as he turned after almost one and a half hours with the full force of the match ball for his team-mate Daniel male was ashamed triumphantly on the knee drop, while the Rest of the squad dance for the Coronation took place together.

This is in the gold of the award ceremony, the rain only certainty threatened means to become Triumph over an opponent who had brought the table to sixth in the Bundesliga twice-to-case, for the 2015 of the Grolsheimer IT entrepreneur Jörg Krick based project is not just the first title-winning office again, is the starting place for the European CEV Cup; he rescues frankfurters prematurely, a season to be to for a long time its still bad. And maybe even for financial reasons, as uncertain in force for the future.

Big Point: Frankfurt, Tim Grozer rejoices in a point. : Image: dpa

for the First time, the three-time League-semi-final participants banging two games before the end of the main round to make it to the Play-offs. On Wednesday, the record Champions VfB Friedrichshafen in the ball in sports hall, to return the favor for the second Time that the former Team of his Coach Michael Warm in December, surprisingly, from the Cup-round had thrown.

pizza party to set the mood

But played this role for the selection of the 37-year-old Jochen Schöps, could enjoy 14 years after his fourth Cup success with the team from lake Constance, this “hot” moments. “I’ve been listening to a bottle of sparkling wine, popping,” said the former German national team captain at the press conference. To celebrate a bit will be allowed in any case.

With a mental lecture during the preparation weeks, the Argentine Coach Serramalera had prepared especially those of his squad members in this game, unlike Schöps, no experience with such a Mission. The native of Heidelberg Linus Hüger, and, with his 17 years of the most recent participants in the history of this competition finals. At a pizza party on Wednesday it had agreed to the rather quiet characters existing, but according to the lively player Mario Schmidgall perhaps that is why, on the good team spirit associated locking on the nearly hour-long travel in the South.