For some inspiration and insight to kick off your social media strategy as an Instagram influencer we have put together a guide of top tips to get your journey started. The key is to keep telling yourself repeatedly that success does not happen overnight, and that talent is nothing without an exceptional work ethic. You will need more than that but consistency and commitment to your social channels, you will quickly begin to see a return in your efforts and feel gratified that you never gave up. Here are some initial steps to follow to build your followers list:

  1. How much do you know about your audience? What are they seeking? If they could get one thing from following you, what would it be? Get inquisitive, ask some questions, run some polls and hashtag everything!

  1. Giveaways and freebies lure people in like a magnet. Use your promo video skills and artistic photography talent to catch the eye and then give something back to the people. Recognition and reward are the two key elements to re-sales.

  1. Allow people the option to enter their email addresses to get the freebies on offer by resting an opt-in page on your profile. Basically, swapping a product for contact details so both you and your follower benefit.

  1. Spread the advertisement of your giveaways on all your social channels and crucially link them to your opt-in page.


Make Yourself Brand Approachable

There is nothing more infuriating than reading a good blog that really captures your imagination, leaves you wanting more from that write but there is no name on the bottom of the page. It riles people when you hear an amazing beat for the first time, but the DJ doesn’t offer a song title or even who is performing. The point is, if you don’t link your content on your platforms what is the point? How is anyone going to get hold of you? You can showcase your skills on social media all day but there will not be any brands calling if they don’t know where to search. Do not be subtle about it, shove it down people’s throats and make sure you grab the attention you deserve. If you do not, you will be googling how to buy Instagram followers before your next birthday.


Do not get caught napping. If you are not out there, nobody will care! Make people stand up and notice you, spread your name and contact details around town and showcase your talents. If you hold back or hesitate when a networking opportunity arises then you will never get out of first gear. Be bold, be confident but above all be respectful and not too pushy (Especially when creating a first impression) Those who capitalise on every chance presented to them are the real money-makers that do not shy away from small talking with the right people at the right time.

Final Thoughts

To make it as an Instagram influencer, you truly need to know the ins and outs, the facts, the figures and most importantly the buying habits of your followers. It will help you create content that they resonate with and that therefore performs well. Trigger conversation in comments and use your captions as an opportunity to ask your followers to tell you about themselves in the comments. This will be the foundation of your success. You cannot build a house without foundations. Do not allow your house to fall apart before the first brick is laid.