A screenplay couldn’t have been better. As a Colonel dorfer wins on his Oberstdorfer home the opening ski-jump jumping of the four-hills-tournament and can hardly believe his luck. “That’s just great,” said Karl Geiger on this “special day”. It is far more than this was. For the 27-year-old ski-jumper, it was “the most exciting weeks of my life”.

Ralf Weitbrecht

sports editor.

F. A. Z.

What is a density of events: On a Saturday in Planica Geiger world champion in ski flying was. Two days later, his daughter Luisa was born. Two days later, the bad news: The Champion Corona has. “I was able to pass no idea how to do that,” he said during the ten-day quarantine, which had its Start in the tour, a race against time. Geiger decided it for himself – how could he also win practically from zero to a hundred without any training jumps, these first exciting Competition of the German-Austrian ski jumping spectacle.

A Coup on shadow mountain

A Coup on the shadow of the mountain, on his home hill, which had asked of him, particularly in the second passage to be a whole. “I thought: Now it’s snowing properly,” he said later in his review. “At the world Cup in Seefeld, I’ve been bitten in similar conditions to the Grass. So I looked that I stay with me and make a clean leap make. This is what I did.“ Typical Geiger.

The man remains grounded, and doesn’t answer – at least not with words. With his Pair of skis. His solution: “I have no choice to stay as cool? To expire In the hustle and bustle would be the wrong solution.“ Geiger has found, however, the right thing to do. He has not let out of his concept, and also the fact that he beams on the bounce sitting this once again had to leave, made him to create. The pressure to a minimum of 136,5 meters jump, the last jump of the competition on the Leading Kamil Stoch to pull over, held Geiger stand. “The first pass was not easy, since extraordinary back was the wind,” he said. “If you make the slightest mistake, then it brings one down. This has been seen in Eisei.“

Bad day for iron Bichler

“Eisei” Markus Eisenbichler, violinist’s longtime doubles partner, in a Non-Corona-times, in the first round, a bad jump on only 118 meters down. 27. his hopes, a word in the standings to have a say seemed to be already dissolved. “But he is in an insane shape,” said Geiger. “He has shown in the second.” Iron Bichler improved by a staggering 22 places, was still in front of the Austrian overall world Cup winner Stefan Kraft, Fifth, and has all possibilities in the fight for the Golden eagle, overall winner at the 6. January in Bischofshofen receives. Geiger, anyway.