The bird mountain is decorated more as the only County in the state of Hesse with the findings, to be for seven days without a confirmed Covid-19-reinfection. The new data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show, as before, 149 infections since the beginning of the pandemic in the state of Hesse for this very rural Central Hessian circle. The same the country has published in his recent Corona-Bulletin. The mountain bird at the same time, the County with the least number of recorded infections. The district administration speaks on Twitter on Monday morning from only five individuals, which are considered to be infected. The confirmation of your infection to return is longer than a week.

Thorsten Winter

business editor and Internet coordinator of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the Schwalm-Eder-Kreis, with more than 600 Infected since March in the upper third of the 21 counties and five cities in the state. However, this North Hesse to the Vogelsberg least in terms of white vest with the new cases on the heels. So only a new infection to the next competitor and a Seven-day incidence of one. This value refers to the numbers of new infections among 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. Now is the Chance but for the time being wasted, to come to an incidence of zero. Because the circle has reported a new case in comparison to the Corona Bulletin of the Ministry of social Affairs of Sunday, and the current data of the RKI, there are even three more. The short-term incidence is now at 2.2.

in the face of this small data gap of three cases, the reporting delay is assumed between the circle and the RKI. This assumption is true, appear in the three other cases in one of the next reports in this country for the disease control of the responsible Federal institution. Last week, it had already given different data to the since March in the Main-Taunus-Kreis recorded infections. So, the circle is called the number of 498, according to RKI the beginning of the 488 but are to week to beech, the same as the country on Sunday reported. The district of Gießen for a total of 314 Infected since the beginning of the pandemic, the RKI, a more. For the district of Marburg-Biedenkopf are available on its website 252 to beech (Stand 14. August), while the country and the Federal Institute called the least in unison 249. Offenbach has a total of 364 infections for its territory, the RKI sees a Infected more. This is the result of a random sample of the F. A., for example.

No death case

For all of Hesse speaks the Robert Koch-Institute, from 53 new cases have notified him of the Hessian public health offices. The registered ten more than Sunday, but 150 less than the announced Saturday. So, a moderate value at first glance at the beginning of School. For the whole of Germany become known in the Morning 561 more. That is, Hesse comes to a share of 9.4 percent of the overnight reported new infections. The istinsofern disproportionately, because of Hesse represents just eight percent of the population in Germany.

According to RKI there is no other case of death, to complain in connection with the pandemic. Accordingly, it remains at 526 Corona-Sacrifice. At the same time the RKI of 100 additional Convalescent from goes. Around 11,800 infections apply so as to. Mathematically 22,4 Convalescent come on a Corona-victims. This is a top value for Hesse in the past.

The Robert Koch Institute to data of General knowledge: “For the total number per province/district to be used in the health authorities after the infection law for the protection of reported cases that were reported to the RKI to the day at 0 o’clock. For the presentation of new cases reported per day in the reporting date – the date on which the local health Department obtains knowledge about the case, and it is captured electronically has.“ Between the notification by Doctors and laboratories to the health Department and the Transfer of the cases to the competent state authorities and the RKI for a few days could pass.