The first impression of Frankfurt have won Barbara Deppert-Lippitz from your geography book. In the Rhine-Main-Region an almost subtropical climate, ash was there to read. The sight of the girl who had been brought with his from behind the Pomeranian family at the end of the Second world war in a refugee camp in Denmark, exceptionally well. And so she raised no objection when her parents with her to Eschersheim moved.

Matthias Trautsch

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

After graduating from high school to the school, she studied classical archaeology and met her husband who came from an old Frankfurt craft family, as there is today hardly. The father-in-law had a horse butcher shop on Berger Straße, told the today eighty-year-old to the visitor who has taken on an elegant Sofa with a black-and-gold-rhombus place. His gaze sweeps by the fine Antiques of classicism furnished apartment and remains at a portrait of Frederick the Great hanging.

the call comes on the Prussian virtues, which Deppert-Lippitz, the obligation to do something for the General public. This can be the care of your Vorgärtchens, which Rose to the passers-by a blaze on the tree trail to enjoy. Or the maintenance of knowledge about Frankfurt’s history, as well as the buildings and monuments in which it manifests itself. This task prescribed by the Association of the “friends of Frankfurt” as of 1922 by Fried Lübbecke established “Federal active old friends,” announced today.

Since 2012, involvement with the “friends of Frankfurt”

Since 2012, Lippitz, who has a son and a grandson is involved Stupid-in the “friends of Frankfurt”, since may of last year, she is the Chairman. Among the major projects of the last years of the restoration of the Uhrtürmchens at the Zoo and the justice fountain on the Roman mountain. Without the donations, the Knowledge and the political pressure of the Association, the two monuments of culture would probably still be the expiration price. Also lectures and excursions to local historical themes to provide the “friends of Frankfurt” on a regular basis.