as old as capitalism, the critique of capitalism is. Just in the past few years, especially for the young people worked on the prevailing economic order, which is, according to many for “consumerism” and “inhumane production practices”, they demonstrated, therefore, on the Zeil in Frankfurt against large retail chains and the variety of the discounts on “Black Friday”. The prosperity of the children quarrelled not only with the market economy. But also with the aim of continuous growth. Greta Thunberg self-moved here at the world economic forum in Davos on “the tale of eternal economic growth”. But that was in another era – in January.

Manfred Köhler

Deputy Department head of the Regional section of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and editor of the business magazine Metropolitan.

F. A. Z.

Now, as the economy is unexpectedly caught in a severe crisis, shows that the economic growth that was for many people the creeps, also has advantages. You had accepted the last as a matter of course. The Hessen have just experienced a full decade of recovery. A Generation of young people grew up, only the government with Angela Merkel knows, and the economy only with good Numbers. The last recession was in 2009, it was deep, but short, and then it was only in 2012, a slight decline, otherwise, the gross domestic product, i.e. the sum of production and services, year on year growth.

And in the same way also the employment growth. The number of persons was employed in the state of Hesse in 2010 3.178.800, as it were, in the past year 3.536.300. Unemployment disappeared as a scourge of society in this decade, that it managed to integrate thousands of immigrants into the labour market, the everything was no more mention of value. The success of the economy could also increase the tax revenues alone for the state of Hesse, which increased from 2010 to 2019 9.5 to 24.4 billion euros. To the municipalities in the state of Hesse in 2010, fin 6.5 billion Euro, nine years later, there were 10.4 billion. There were years of widespread prosperity, was accepted as a matter of course. Because the immense amounts made many things possible. The increasingly sophisticated social services of the municipalities, for example, new traffic routes. Also, the extensive culture operation does not depend on due to the subsidies of a well-functioning capitalism, also if you listen to the there will like for sure.

economic collapse as a result of the Corona-crisis

Large this has not been addressed everything. But that was when a recovery was long and longer, says Gertrud Traud, chief economist at the Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen: “In this General feel-good mode to be pushed economic issues into the Background, and other aspects of life are gaining in importance. Often, the question that arises, then, whether growth make you happy.“