the Federal education Minister Anja Karliczek (CDU) has warned the States before, a teacher from Corona-at-risk groups in unacceptable impact. “It is important for any employer is to ensure the health of its employees,” warns Karliczek in the “world on Sunday”. “We need the expertise of all teachers. We need to make sure that the work is for you to take a personal risk.“

The CDU politician manifests itself against the Background of a conflict, the refusal of many certificates, which will be held in Schleswig-Holstein between the government and the teachers. Their Union WT accuses Kiel’s Minister of education, Karin Prien (CDU), a “hard-hearted track,” the affected teachers in the classroom teaching force.

in 2000, the 28,000 teachers in the state of Schleswig-Holstein had submitted a certificate that identifies you as belonging to a risk group. “The company doctor has brushed up on 100 cases of all rigid – from our point of view, without adequate examination of individual cases. This is completely unacceptable,” said WT Director Bernd Schauer of the “world on Sunday”. Against the decision, ten complaints were.

Minister Prien rejects the allegations. For teachers applies as for all of the land staff: “It always depends only on the individual risk assessment. To suffer from a disease of Civilisation such as Obesity or Asthma, justified in the abstract, no need for special protection. By the way, not with sellers in the supermarket or in the industry,“ said Prien of the paper.