Frankfurt is a financially difficult fall: In the first seven and a half months of this year, has taken the city of around 323 million euros less business tax than for the same period of the previous year. As the Treasurer and the mayor Uwe Becker (CDU) announced on Friday, a went so far, 749 million euros from the company, on the city’s accounts; to the middle of August, 2019, there were 1,072 billion Euro. The residue was reduced in comparison to the beginning of July, however, a little Before six weeks, the difference between the two years amounted to 360 million euros.

Tobias Rösmann

editor in the Rhein-Main-Zeitung.

F. A. Z. Twitter

Becker pointed to further financial stress. So the usual Fraport-dividend way to the event in the amount of 37 million Euro; the business of the airport operator is affected by the Corona-crisis. Also, the fair dividend in the amount of seven million euros, and revenue from public transport as well as leisure and cultural facilities remained. Because the city must also compensate for losses of public utilities, the Holding company which would be “millions more burdens” on the budget.

taxes hours for the economy

The CDU politician of the black-and-called-red-and-green town hall coalition “to remain over election periods fiscally responsible on our course of consolidation”. “The upcoming municipal elections may not be a Hotspot for the distribution of household viruses. Discipline is required,“ he said. In Hesse 14 find on. March 2021 municipal election. In order to support the local economy, has deferred the city, according to Becker’s words, around 37 million euros in taxes. The advance payments of trade tax are also been around 140 million euros reduced.

The coalition of CDU, SPD and the Greens has announced for the autumn plans for fiscal consolidation. These appear to be mandatory. Because the Treasurer believes that as a result of the loss of revenue by the Corona pandemic, with a deficit of around 650 million euros in its 4.3-billion budget.