A Restaurant in China was apparently a bit overzealous in complying with a government campaign against food waste – and has asked his guests to weigh themselves before eating. As Chinese state media reported, reaped the beef specialized Restaurant in the city of Changsha in the Online networks a lot of criticism. On Saturday, the Restaurant apologized.

Like the China News Service reported, had called the Restaurant on Friday to step on the scale and your weight in a Smartphone App to enter. This would then be displayed to you on the weight based on court recommendations, including the number of Calories. On the photos, which were published in local media, were in the Restaurant the plates with the inscription “Operation to see the empty plate”. This is a reference to a country-wide campaign of the government.

There is always something left

The Chinese President Xi Jinping had urged this week the population, no food to waste, as the Coronavirus have resulted in pandemic and severe Flooding in the past month, to a rise in food prices. In response, restaurateurs called on their customers to order less dishes.

It belongs in China, in the case of group meals, good sound, always something to eat on the plates to leave – otherwise the host would lose face, because he has not ordered enough.