Even if some believe wanted, the education Ministers had been summoned to the Rapport with the Chancellor, may be after a three and a half hours of “informal exchange” as the government calls it, not a speech. To the Surprise of all Involved, it should be a very focused and constructive conversation have been, to be continued with all the Ministers of Culture and education.

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “formation of worlds”.

F. A. Z.

that there could be no decisions, because only seven of the sixteen Ministers of Education, were, the results are surprisingly concrete. The most important political Signal for the Saxon Minister of culture Christian Piwarz (CDU), the commitment of the Chancellor to a clear prioritization of kindergartens and schools. The kindergartens to keep day-care centres and schools, are the Chancellor and all in the Chancellor’s office Gathered more important than football games with Fans and other large events.

there was Agreement about that, even in the case of a gain of the infection events are not allowed to come, that closed schools and kindergartens as the First and the Last to be re-opened, as happened in March. “The education system should enjoy in times of pandemic political and social priority,” it said in a statement after the Meeting. In its responsibility for the education of the countries had at 18. In June, the resumption of regular operation after the summer holidays, in compliance with infection prevention and hygiene rules decided.

One Megabit per student

Together with the Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU), the SPD Chairman, Saskia esque, as well as the President of the standing conference of the Ministers of Stefanie Hubig (SPD), the Hessian Minister of culture Alexander Lorz (CDU), Minister of education, Bettina Martin (SPD) from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Hamburg school Senator Ties Rabe (SPD), the Bavarian Minister for culture, Michael Piazolo (Free voters) and the Schleswig-Holstein Minister of education, Karin Prien (CDU), it was agreed to report all schools that have a broadband supply.

A Megabit per pupil as a Benchmark to apply. The Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) and his Ministry should take care of quickly it. Not anywhere, it looks as hazy as in Berlin, where not even the contract for the expansion of broadband service in the 700-level General schools, as these days became known. The application for the digital equipment is the responsibility of the school authorities, which are sometimes volunteers from the mayor, which must then write the application. Rhineland-Palatinate is therefore changed in the meantime, “to provide outreach assistance”. There, the schools are called, have not yet applied.

The Federal government has stated that it is during the education summit, ready once again to put money for service of the laptops, the teacher with the service E-Mail-addresses – in addition to five billion in the digital Pact and 500 million Euro for student devices. That would solve some privacy Problem, when the countries revise their privacy policies quickly, because it must be right to give security for digital education and also the Transmission of learning benefits.