Bulgaria’s Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has made more than a month of protests, the resignation of his government in view. This had been demanded by the protesters. The resignation, however, should only be implemented after a decision of the Parliament for the election of a large Constitution, the people give Assembly, said Borisov on Friday in a televised live address to the people. His civil party GERB will table a draft for a new Constitution with Changes to, for example in the case of the judiciary to the Parliament.

“It’s time for responsibility and determination,” said Borisov. “It is time for a reboot.” Protesters have been calling for 9. July in addition to demRücktritt the government is also a vote for such a constitutional Assembly. With non-logged-in blockades and protest actions to demand the resignation of the since 2017 incumbent coalition government of the Bourgeois and nationalists as well as by chief Prosecutor Ivan Geschew.

The protesters use to justify their claims with mobbed-up Trade and dependence on oligarchs. The next regular parliamentary elections would be in March of 2021. The protesters declared in a first reaction, that they wanted to continue their actions in spite of Borissows announcement continued. They called for now, BNT also the resignation of the Director of state television. A re-election challenge from the former Communists emerged socialists and the head of state Rumen Radew close to you.