The country of Spain shall apply, with the exception of the Canary Islands –for the Corona-crisis management in Germany as well as a risk area due to high infection numbers. The Federal ministries involved decided, as it was called on Friday from government circles. First of all, the “image”newspaper had reported about it.

“In Spain, a very dynamic eruption shows itself to be done,” said a Ministry spokeswoman to the news Agency AFP. The case numbers rose in the Trend, “more and more areas in Spain are again more affected by the pandemic”. The spokeswoman said: “The designation as a risk area, is to be prohibition no Border closures and no trip.”

in Particular, for the extremely tourism dependent Balearic Islands is another major blow. At the end of July already arranged Quarantine requirement in the UK for returnees from Spain had sparked a slump in bookings. Finally, the popular holiday Islands, but had more Corona new infections registered In the past 24 hours 264 new cases had been reported in Mallorca alone,wrote the “Mallorca Zeitung” on Friday.

On Thursday had been registered for the entire country, almost 3000 new infections within 24 hours. The American Johns Hopkins University reported on Friday night for Spain as a whole 337.334 confirmed Corona-infections since the beginning of the pandemic,28.605 people died. So it belongs to the Coronavirus in the worst-affected regions of Europe. Many parts of the country that currently report increasing case numbers.

For German tourists had to the Robert Koch-Institute (RKI) classified previously, the regions of Aragón, the Basque country, Catalonia, Madrid and Navarre as risk areas. This classification is considered to be an important basis for decision-making for travel warnings from the foreign office. Since last Saturday, travellers returning from high-risk areas, a Corona must do Test, otherwise it will face a fine as well as quarantine. The domestic quarantine amounts to a maximum of 14 days or until a negative test result was available, it was said from the Ministry of health.

criticism of the decision

in the face of rising case numbers in many regions of the country, the Spanish government decided on Friday for more drastic measures.Disco thekenund night bars have to remain closed, as the Minister of health Salvador Illa said. Restaurants must close at one o’clock at night, after midnight, no guests may be received.

recommended reading: For Spain’s economy, it is bad news – the country is fatal, depending on tourists.

in Addition, should no longer be smoked in the open, if the minimum distance of two metres below, said Illa. He had previously held a crisis meeting with the health authorities of the individual regions of the country, in their competence in health issues. The Smoking ban was issued on Thursday of two regions, the Canary Islands and Galicia. Smokers health organization (WHO), according to the world may be more at risk of getting infected with the Coronavirus, or this pass, because the Smoking fingers and lips touch.