The Federal constitutional court may oblige the legislature fast-tracked to the rules of binding, who is being treated in the Corona pandemic is preferred. So it is decided by the First Senate in a decision published on Friday. Several people who include, according to the Definition of the Robert Koch Institute for the risk group, must be expected in the case of a Covid-19-disease with severe disease, had fought in Karlsruhe, Germany, with constitutional complaints, however, that the legislator has not regulated the so-called Triage, i.e. the prioritization of medical aid. In addition, they requested a preliminary injunction, the Federal constitutional court obliged the legislator to act. The Parliament should be abandoned, a panel for a binding regulation of treatment decisions used.

Marlene Grunert

editor in the policy.

F. A. Z.

The Complainant suffering from various disabilities and pre-existing conditions. They fear, in the case of scarce resources, are treated worse and to be of life-saving measures even excluded. Statistically, the success were prospects of an intensive medical treatments when you finally worse. According to the previous recommendations, the prospects will be crucial.