Israel’s air force will for the first time, lay combat aircraft to Germany. The Bundeswehr said on Thursday on Twitter. The Israeli contingent to witness six combat aircraft type F-16, multi-tank, flight, and up to 180 soldiers there, said a spokesman for the German air force, the F. A. Z. The combat aircraft between the 17 to. and 28. August will be sent to Germany.

In the first week to join the units first in the Exercise “Blue Wings 2020”. In addition, a commemorative Flyover of the plane Horst Fürstenfeldbruck is provided. There was on 5. September 1972 Olympic assassination has been committed. Palestinian terrorists killed two people and took nine more as hostages. In the attempt to free them, died on the tarmac of the plane clump of nine Israeli athletes, coaches and a German police officer.

In its second week in Germany, the “Multinational Air Group Days are available for the F-16, the Israelis then” on the program. In your frame units, practice of several Nato air forces in the common Association.

The cooperation between the German and the Israeli air force is, according to the Bundeswehr in recent years, more and more intense. In the years 2017 and 2019, the German combat aircraft in training Exercises, took part in Israel. Since 2010, the German air force also uses Israeli drones. German pilots are trained in Israel.