people like to be in the confirm what they think anyway for the truth: The Germans are getting poorer, is a certainty. Another is that The immigration is eating away the prosperity of the Federal Republic of Germany. Both of them are wrong.

the two statements confirm the new data from the Federal Statistical office, apparently. The quota of people, the fear of poverty, has risen in West Germany over the past ten years, it says in a statement from Wiesbaden, Germany. If you are looking for the causes, pushes quickly to a growing number of people with a migration background, which is responsible for the Trend.

Why the two theses are still wrong? The median income of the German, from which the statistician to derive the poverty threshold, up and up. For a person living Alone, it was therefore in the year of 2009, net 1336 euros, ten years later, there were 1790 Euro. Also adjusted for the minimum Inflation in this period is a big Welfare gains. You only have to look at people without an immigrant background, the fact remains: you have less and less of at risk of poverty are immigration or not.

The growing number of migrants are at risk of poverty, it must be startling by contrast, In Hesse, more people with a migration background are living below the threshold of risk of Poverty than people without a migration background. While their share in the population is only about one-third. This split must not be deeper.

But that is exactly the danger in the Corona-crisis. Just about every second of the since the year 2015, according to Germany arrived refugees has so far found work. For those who have not yet made the leap into the labour market, it is now in many cases to the thing of the impossibility. Simple activities in Restaurants or at the airport are not currently in demand, higher qualified candidates to take job offers, which else were refugees an Option. The crisis hits the Weakest.

the Federal government has yet shockingly little about how this population group, despite the Corona, a perspective to offer. To miss this would be a dangerous mistake that would incite anger and Frustration.