her career began at the side of Ingrid Steeger in “Two heavenly daughters” and of Diether Krebs in “Sketchup”. Today, Iris belongs to Berben to the great German character actor of the interior. The native Detmolderin until 2019 President of the German film Academy, will take place on Wednesday, 70 years old. You sent in honor of the ZDF first of all, on Monday the Thriller “don’t get dead,” about an aging Film Diva, and on her birthday the First “My Indian summer” shows, in the Iris, the 60-year-old Ebba Berben plays the head over heels in love in a circus Director.

Peter-Philipp Schmitt

editor in the Department “Germany and the world”.

F. A. Z.

What you eat for Breakfast?

more Important, what I drink for Breakfast. It must start with a double Espresso, and when I have time, I’ll drink afterwards, like a fresh-squeezed juice, and eat all forms of cheese and curd.

Where do you buy your clothes?

I like to go in shops and have pleasure and joy to discover things. I like the sensual experience, something to try on, and mix designer pieces with things from big store chains such as service industry or &Other Stories. Complete Looks I don’t like at all, and a stylist, I don’t have, what in my profession is rare. Online I don’t buy love.

What is the oldest piece of clothing is in your closet?

This is a cocktail dress of my mother’s from the early sixties, that was her brother, the tailor, has made. I have worn it already and think straight, this heart piece fashion.

when you have written the last hand-written letter?

just over two weeks Ago at a good old friend in the South of France. All the letters that are important to me, I write by Hand, with fountain pen and ink-glass.

What book has impressed you the most in life?

As a child, it was absolutely the anarchist “slovenly Peter”, who was an accomplice of my Favorite. Later Eclipse of the sun was it “” by Arthur Koestler, in his settlement with communism. And it is David Grossman’s “a horse in the Bar”.

How to inform to happen to the world?

I am a news Junkie. If I don’t turn, then every hour for me to listen to the news on Radio One. I read the daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and “The world”, watch TV in the evening, and I am also a lot on the Internet.

What is your best small talk topic?

I’m bored with small talk. But what I can do well is cook. And I’m talking about, too.

In what movie you last cried?

There is a movie that I watch again and again, and I every Time wines, this is “love” by Michael Haneke. I cry but also very fast, last in the American mini series “When They see Us” on the judicial failure in the United States.

Are you superstitious?

no! And Yes. When shooting stars fall, I hope, of course, the impossible.

What makes you laugh?

I like black Humor, with a Laugh like to freeze. I laugh also about me, and I’ve laughed just about the British series “Fleabag” by Phoebe Waller-Bridge. This is so bitter, so tragic, so funny, this is the high art of humor.

your favorite name?

Léon from “Léon – The professional” and Liz of Liz Taylor.

take a lunch break?

no. I can’t do that at all. I find it bad enough that you have to sleep at night.

In what country would you like to live?

I like living in this country, what is to me in this time, be particularly aware of this. Alone how our country, with all the bypasses, what is keeping us busy currently, shows just how remarkable it is. But I also like where I partially grew up in Portugal. I love the people there, the wildness of the Atlantic.

What is never lacking in your fridge?

the white wine. Lemons. Garlic.

do you Feel with or without car-free?

With. Shorter distances I drive with the bike. But I am a very spontaneous person, and the car gives me the freedom to cope with larger distances.

What is your greatest Talent?

I think I have a pretty sharpened and well-functioning instinct, for example when it comes to decisions. And I can judge people. That’s why I’m good at it, and confirm me, and many of my friends, a Team put together and to convey a sense of community.